Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sorry that I have been MIA as of late, not that I am the best of bloggers in the first place. I decided that needed to post something somewhat pleasant for August and Dena tagged me so I thought this would be something quick and easy:) I'm hoping to do another post in a few days when I have more time to catch you up on the rest of August.

A- Attached or single: Attached
B- Best Friend: Brett , my mom of course, and Jennifer Aniston:)
C- Cake or Pie: Cake
D- Day: Friday - Monday
E- Essential Item: Hand sanitizer and chapstick
F- Favorite Color: Brown(is that strange???), red and yellow
G-Gummi Bears or Worms: Neither. I got sick once after eating them... you know how that goes.
H-Home town: West Jordan, Utah
I -Indulgences: Massages, Sconecutter and Burger King breakfast
J- January or July?: January. It's my B-Day!!!!
K-Kids: No. Hopefully soon.
L-Life is incomplete without: family, Maui and U of U football
M-Marriage Date: May 13, 2006
N- Number of Siblings: 1 brother, 1 brother-in-law, 1 sister-in-law
O- Oranges or Apples: apples
P- Phobias or Fears: This is strange, but I have a fear of missing my exit on the freeway. I always change lanes prematurely and when I'm riding with someone else I get anxious if they wait to get over until the last minute.
Q- Quote: "Smile before bed, you'll sleep better." Off of a Dove Chocolate wrapper.
R- Reason To Smile: I have an amazing husband and family.
S- Season: Fall. I LOVE Football, Fall clothing, Fall leaves in the mountains and Thanksgiving.
T- Tag Three: Any of you who have not done this already.
U- Unknown fact about me:I have a black ventriloquist dummy named Lester.
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: Borderline vegetarian. I only eat birds.
W- Worst Habit: I have A LOT!!!! Leaving my flat iron on.
X-Rays or Ultrasounds: X-rays. I take them every day.
Y-Your favorite food: Italian
Z: Zodiac Sign: Aquarius (same as my BFF Jennifer Aniston)


Dena Porter said...

I didn't know your favorite food was Italian. Cleveland is known for its Italian food. When you come to visit we will take you to a place! I hope you guys can make it...Brett said flights weren't really working out?? Let me know! Me miss you guys! LOVE YOU!!

Anonymous said...

That freaking puppet of your has made me nervous since I knew you....RU a vantriliquist (SP?) on the weekends? Where did that thing come from anyway...PS Impressive composure by your Utes yesterday....

cory and tara said...

I forgot about Lester! lol! I love it!

Lenzi Woodbury said...

I absolutely agree! I love brown & fall. Fall is the best time of year ever. Especially in Utah. Glad you are posting again. Maybe we need to hear a post about Lester.... :)

LYDIA said...

I am afraid of ventriloquists and puppets - perhaps if you put on a show for us the next time I am at Julia's I could conquer that fear?

Toppy said...

Oh good old Lester. I am so glad that you are not ashamed to let everyone know about him.